Figure 1. Expression of iNOS in gastrocnemius muscle showed significant increase in expression of iNOS is SPD group compared to SC, # P value < 0.05. Exercise did not significantly decrease the expression of iNOS in control group P value < 0.18. However, exercise significantly decreased iNOS expression in PD-induced group, * P value < 0.01. iNOS: Inducible nitric oxide sysnthase. SC: Sedentary control, EC: Exercised control, SPD: Sedentary Parkinson’s disease, EPD: Exercised Parkinson’s disease.

Figure 2. Expression of iNOS in Soleus muscle showed an increase in expression of iNOS in SPD group compared to SC, but the change was not significant #P value < 0.08. Also, exercise did not significantly decrease the expression of iNOS in Parkinsonian group P value < 0.13. iNOS: Inducible nitric oxide synthase. SC: Sedentary control, EC: Exercised control, SPD: Sedentary Parkinson’s disease, EPD: Exercised Parkinson’s disease.